Thursday 22 July 2010

A New Direction

I've been asked by a hair stylist to shoot a model for a new line in hair care products. I've never done anything like this before so I thought 'Bonus! Something other than weddings!' it's coming up on Sunday (weather permitting) and the model in question is a former miss Scotland finalist. How it got to this point from the 'few head shots' I don't know...and don't really care. I like trying new things and it will be good to put my camera to other uses besides just weddings. If I could make money doing my own projects I would be happier of course, but these jobs help fund those projects in the first place.

In other news my IMI (Institute of Medical Illustrators) award submissions were posted the other week. Subjects (good ones) have been a bit thin on the ground the past couple of years so if I win anything it will be a bonus. Anyway here's hoping, I'll find out in a few weeks. Go have a look at previous winners

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod

Wednesday 21 July 2010

What's Best For Them...

What's Best For Them...
Originally uploaded by Max_Fax
This poor girl set up her nest on our bathroom windowsill. Kim wouldn't let me get rid of them. She said that we should leave the window open and they would make their way out when they hatched. Hmm. Interesting theory. Anyway, once they hatched she changed her mind about the subject but still wanted to spare their lives. I explained that they would die as a result of being moved anyway, and that the mother was due to die anyway. If you look at her abdomen it has collapsed as a result of her starving herself to protect her babies. Anyway I scooped them up as gently as I could and sat them in the pile of wood in the garden. Who knows, they might make it.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Sucioperro (Unscene)

Originally uploaded by Max_Fax
Another one from the archives. This is one of my favourites, taken on my Centon DF-300. Small and basic SLR camera but I still love it.

Saturday 3 July 2010

Open Goal

I've put together a wee project over on Flickr in honor of the World Cup. I hate football but even i must acknowledge it's omnipresent hold on the world.  Link here!